
Rethink Mining. Smart. Lean. Protecting Nature and Miners.
Securing raw as well as rare materials supplies for modern HighTech industry.

SmArt SensorS at the cutting Face

make mining, tunneling and eath works more efficient, more safe and more green.

Smart and robust RockFeel Assistant systems for monitoring and Analysis of working tools of rock cutting machines, especially so called picks which move and rotate in their holders while cutting, offer advantages and chances to users in different industries.

automatically and early detect critical wear states of picks, before severe damage is done to the holders and drum, which would cause longer downtime, production loss and repair efforts.
automatic rock strength estimates while cutting, where the operator usually does not see the cutting face itself beacuse of dust, rockfill or mud. RockFeel makes his machine “feel” it.
early detection of weak rock material increases safety in mining and tunneling

Key to these RockFeel features is deep understanding of the mechanics of the cutting/breaking process and of the corresponding dynamics of the moveable picks in their holders.

That is our mission and expertise.

Underground rock cutting machine and a collection of picks with typical wear conditions
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