Founders team

Mechanical Engineer Dr.-Ing. Taras Shepel from Ukraine acquired his Pg.D. in 2016 both from TU Bergakademie Freiberg und “Dnipro Polytechnikum”, Ukraine’s National Mining University, on deep sea excavation machinery. He is a passionate constructing engineer and developer of constructive ideas and solutions.

Mathematician and computer scientist Dr. Ing. Jörg Bretschneider from Saxony got his Ph.D. in 2006 from TU Dresden Civil Engineering faculty on wave based empirical stochastic seismic load modelling. He is specialised in data analysis, software development and sensor systems, and has acquired profound sales experience for sensors in engineering construction.

Mining engineer Dr. Serdar Yasar from Turkey did his Ph.D. in 2018 at Karadeniz Technical University in Trabzon on a mobile rock cutting test rig. He is acquainted with rock properties, fracture mechanics and excavation machines and is responsible for all testing and data analysis for RockFeel’s research and development efforts.

Prof. Dr. h.c. Carsten Drebenstedt is chair of Open Pit MiningTU Freiberg and has 50 years of experience in this field both from industry and academia. He has educated generations of mining engineers worldwide, building a global network of mining universitites.

RockFeel’s team is currently omplemented by a testing enginieer and a software developer.

from left to right: Dr. Bretschneider, Dr. Yasar and Dr. Shepel at RockFeel’s mobile test site in Freiberg
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